The purpose of content marketing is to strengthen the bond between the brand and consumers using carefully created/curated content that the target audience finds educational or entertaining. Everyone gets caught up with knowing how to pick the right topics and end up overlooking a very important aspect.

How to pick the best medium.

With the right content marketing strategy, brand content should increase sales, heighten brand awareness and drive traffic to the brand’s website/store. Creating content that your audience actually wants is one thing but finding the right way to give it to them is another. Succeeding at this is the best way to turn a brand’s content into a viable source of revenue.

And this is how you do it in 4 steps.

1) DETERMINE THE DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL: The first thing to think about, even before content is created, is where the content is going live and how traffic is going to be driven to it. Because (according to experts) the channel sometimes determines the medium.

2) DECIDE ON WHETHER THE CONTENT WILL BE EDITORIAL OR SOLELY Brand-related: Focusing on one is a terrible idea, to be honest. There should be a balance between brand-related content (low-key hyping your product by talking about its benefits and features) and editorial style content (educational insights).

3) FIGURE OUT YOUR OBJECTIVE: Know what your objectives are and how your content will help you better achieve them. E.g. if getting picked up by mass media is a goal, then you’ll want to do more editorial style content with educational insights. Because it’s more likely to get the attention of journalists.

4) CONSIDER THE RESOURCES AT YOUR DISPOSAL: Limited resources will, in turn, limit the number of mediums you can use. For example, if a particular piece of content will greatly benefit from being delivered in video form, but your budget doesn’t allow for it (because video can be expensive and time-consuming), that automatically eliminates video (and anything remotely similar) from your pool of possible mediums. Other times, your budget may be high enough to accommodate anything but the medium pool can be still be limited by the available in-house talent. In cases like this, brands may hire freelancers to help.





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